Bo Yumin, Chief Engineer of CNCA, led a delegation to attend the 8th Sino-German Product Safety Working Group Annual Meeting

5May 15-16,The 8th Annual Meeting of the Sino-German Product Safety Working Group was held in Berlin, Germany。Bo Yumin, Chief Engineer of CNCA, led a Chinese delegation to attend the meeting and co-chaired it with Stefan Schneer, Director General of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy,The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on product quality and safety in the digital era,The Chinese side briefed on the reform of government agencies and the reform of compulsory product certification,The German side informed about the procedure for the implementation of accreditation and conformity assessment in the EU General Data Protection Regulation。The two sides aim to serve the Sino-German business community and trade facilitation,In 2018, the key cooperation projects for conformity assessment in the field of product safety were agreed。Chief Engineer Bo Yumin and Director Stephen Schneer jointly signed the minutes of the 7th Sino-German Product Safety Working Group。During the meeting, Chinese and German experts conducted in-depth discussions on cybersecurity conformity assessment and automotive security technology innovation and coordination。

The CNCA organizes the work report on the "upgraded" certification and accreditation industry standard of quality management system certification

  5May 16th,The CNCA organized a report on the progress of the formulation (revision) of 12 certification and accreditation industry standards in the field of "building an upgraded version of quality management system certification".。Dong Lequn, deputy director of the CNCA, and authoritative experts from the industry listened carefully to the work report of the standard drafting group such as the "Quality Management System Grading and Certification Requirements and Evaluation Criteria".,They also commented on the content of the standards and the work that has been carried out。 Deputy Director Dong Lequn pointed out in the summary,The "upgraded" standard making work is an innovative development in the field of certification and accreditation in China,It is an important measure to implement the spirit of the No. 3 document of the State Council。It can be seen through the debriefing,The progress of the projects has achieved the expected phased results,Thank you very much to the drafting teams for their hard work。She stressed,The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward clear requirements for aiming at the development of the international advanced level,The standard-making work should also aim at the international advanced level。The "upgraded" standard making work is very difficult,There is still a certain gap between the current phased results and the practical application,It is hoped that the drafting team will continue its efforts,Completion of standard drafting work with high quality,Lay the foundation for China's certification and accreditation standards to "go global".。

The CNAS Machinery Committee held a training seminar on the expression of recognized competence

It is used in conjunction with the online system of laboratory accreditation business,Unified and standardized agricultural machinery、tractor、Recognition of competence in testing fields such as internal combustion engines,The Working Group of the Machinery Professional Committee of the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) shall work in accordance with the annual work arrangement,On April 25, 2018, the Agricultural Machinery was held in Nanjing、tractor、Training seminar on competence representation in the field of internal combustion engines。Member of the relevant special committee、Reviewers、The meeting was attended by Secretariat staff and 30 representatives from the laboratory。 At the meeting, each undertaking unit introduced the preparation of the competency presentation template in the responsible sub-field,And the tractor was discussed in detail in groups、Problems with the competency presentation template in the field of internal combustion engines。The meeting decided that the relevant responsible units should fully absorb the relevant opinions and suggestions,The capability presentation template has been further optimized,It will be submitted to the special committee for review and approval in the middle of the year。


  北斗卫星导航系统是军民共用的国家重要空间基础设施是中国着眼于国家安全和经济社会发展需要自主建设独立运行的卫星导航系统产品质量是关系我国卫星导航产业健康发展应用市场形成规模的重要因素之一伴随着行业应用快速推进如何对北斗卫星导航相关产品进行全面、science、准确的质量水平评估已成为广泛而迫切的需求。 2017December,在国家认监委和军委联参战保局指导下中国北斗卫星导航产品检测认证联盟成立北斗检测认证联盟由中国电子科技集团公司第五十四研究所工业和信息化部电子第五研究所上海市计量测试技术研究院国防科技大学江苏北斗卫星导航检测中心有限公司五家单位共同发起目前已经有50余成员。 2018May 18,“北斗卫星导航产品认证试点工作推进会”在广州召开这标志着北斗卫星导航产品认证试点工作正式落地启动本次会议由中国北斗卫星导航产品检测认证联盟主办工业和信息化部电子第五研究所广州赛宝认证中心服务有限公司承办国家认监委认证监管部和军委联参战保局战场环境体系论证中心相关领导到会并发言此次试点工作由赛宝认证中心及中国电子科技集团公司第五十四所共同承担试点产品范围包括芯片模块板卡天线和终端设备。will be there,十多家企业与两家认证机构进行了签约北斗卫星导航已经广泛应用于国民经济的各个领域并将借助与“军民融合”“一带一路”“中国制造2025”等战略的深度融合实现更加快速的发展建立完善北斗导航检测认证体系对创建“北斗”品牌加速推进“北斗”产品的产业化标准化促进军民融合式发展全面提升“北斗”卫星导航产品的核心竞争力引领产业健康成长必将发挥重要积极作用