The State Council issued a document:Cancel or optimize unnecessary administrative licenses、Inspection, testing and certification




Provinces、Autonomous regions、The people's governments of municipalities directly under the Central,Ministries and commissions of the State Council、Directly subordinate agencies:

优化营商环境降低制度性交易成本是减轻市场主体负担激发市场活力的重要举措。current,Economic operation is faced with some outstanding contradictions and problems,Market players, especially micro, small and medium-sized enterprises、There are still many difficulties in the production and operation of individual industrial and commercial households,It is necessary to actively use reform and innovation methods,Help market players solve problems、Tide over the storm、Rejuvenation Qi、Energize,Efforts should be made to consolidate the foundation for economic recovery and development。In order to thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,Create a market-oriented, law-based, and international business environment,Reduce institutional transaction costs,Boost the confidence of market players,Help the development of market players,Provide strong support for stabilizing the macroeconomic market,With the consent of the State Council,The following observations are made。

One、Further break down the hidden threshold,Promote the reduction of market access costs

(1) Fully implement the management of the negative list for market access。Improve the management and dynamic adjustment mechanism of the negative list for market access,抓紧完善与之相适应的审批机制监管机制推动清单事项全部实现网上办理稳步扩大市场准入效能评估范围,2022Before the end of October,各地区各部门对带有市场准入限制的显性和隐性壁垒开展清理并建立长效排查机制深入实施外商投资准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,Promote the issuance of a national version of the negative list for cross-border trade in services。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、The Ministry of Commerce took the lead,The relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(2) Strive to optimize the industrial product management system。Regulate the production of industrial products、circulate、Administrative licensing involved in the use and other links、Compulsory certification management。Implement the management of industrial product families,Combined with the development and design of new products,Cancel or optimize unnecessary administrative licenses、Inspection, testing and certification。2022Before the end of October,Select some areas to explore and carry out pilot projects for enterprise self-inspection and self-certification。Promote the improvement of the industrial production license approval management system in all regions,Build a number of standards、measure、Inspection and testing、authentication、A one-stop service platform for quality infrastructure such as product appraisal,Realize the interconnection between the relevant approval system and the quality supervision and management platform、General mutual recognition of relevant quality and technical service results,Promote the rapid production and listing of industrial products。Carry out classified supervision of industrial product quality and safety credit,2022before the end of the year,Research and formulate specifications for the quality credit evaluation of production enterprises。(Led by the State Administration for Market Regulation.),The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other relevant departments of the State Council and all regions are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(3) Standardize the implementation of administrative licensing and administrative filing。2022before the end of the year,The relevant departments of the State Council shall formulate the implementation specifications for administrative licensing matters set at the central level on a case-by-case basis,province、city、The county level has compiled and completed the list of administrative licensing items and handling guidelines at the same level。We will further promote reforms such as notification and commitments,Actively explore the reform of "one industry, one certificate".,Promote the reduction of administrative licensing、Reduced material、Reduction of time limits、Reduced fees。In some areas, explore and carry out pilot projects for the linkage of examination and management,Strengthen the supervision of the whole chain before, during, and after the event。Carry out in-depth pilot reform of standardized management of administrative filing,Research and formulate policies and measures on the standardized management of administrative filings。(Led by the General Office of the State Council.),The relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(4) Earnestly regulate government procurement and bidding。Continue to standardize the behavior of bidding entities,Strengthen the supervision of the whole chain of bidding and bidding。2022Before the end of October,Promote bidding in the field of engineering construction、tender、The whole process of bidding and other businesses is handled online and digital certificates in the field of bidding and bidding are cross-regional、Cross-platform mutual recognition。Support local governments to explore electronic business licenses and log in on the bidding platform、signature、It is used in business such as signing contracts online。Cancel the supplier preselection database that is set up in violation of regulations in each region、Qualifications Library、directory database, etc,It is not allowed to register a business or build a production line locally、Sourcing products from local suppliers、Entering the local support directory is linked to the bidding results,Efforts should be made to eliminate discrimination in ownership、Unreasonable restrictions on local protection。Government procurement and bidding shall not restrict the form of security deposits,A financial institution or guarantee agency that issues a letter of guarantee shall not be designated。Supervise the relevant tenderers、Bidding agency、Public resource trading centers and other timely return of the deposited deposits that should be refunded but not returned。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、treasury、The State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(5) Continue to facilitate the registration of market entities。2022Before the end of October,Preparation of a unified national enterprise establishment、Change registration norms and review standards,Gradually realize the integration of domestic and foreign investment services,Promote the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises in an orderly manner、The change registration can be handled online。Comprehensively clean up the restrictions on cross-regional operation and relocation of enterprises illegally set up in various regions。Simplify the procedures for handling tax-related and fee-related matters related to cross-regional relocation of enterprises,2022before the end of the year,Research and formulate rules for the transfer of enterprise relocation files。Improve the system for market entities to suspend business,Research and development of taxation、Social security and other supporting policies。Further improve the level of "one network service" for enterprise cancellation,Optimize the procedures for simple deregistration and ordinary deregistration。(Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.)、General Administration of Taxation、State Administration for Market Regulation、The State Archives Administration and other relevant departments of the State Council and all regions are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

Two、Further standardize enterprise-related fees,Promote the reduction of the operating burden of market entities

(6) Strictly regulate government fees and fines。Strictly implement the list of administrative fees and government funds,依法依规从严控制新设涉企收费项目严厉查处强制摊派征收过头税费截留减税降费红利违规设置罚款项目擅自提高罚款标准等行为严格规范行政处罚行为进一步清理调整违反法定权限设定过罚不当等不合理罚款事项抓紧制定规范罚款设定和实施的政策文件坚决防止以罚增收以罚代管逐利执法等行为。2022before the end of the year,完成涉企违规收费专项整治重点查处落实降费减负政策不到位不按要求执行惠企收费政策等行为。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、司法部、treasury、General Administration of Taxation、The State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(七)推动规范市政公用服务价外收费加强水、gas、hot、通信有线电视等市政公用服务价格监管,Resolutely stop acts such as forced bundling and tying,The government price is applied、The services and charging items of the government's guide price shall be subject to list management。2022before the end of the year,Nationwide, the "zero investment" in telegraph installation for residential users and small and micro enterprises with a telegraph capacity of 160 kilowatts and below will be fully implemented。Fully publicize the price of non-grid direct power supply,Strictly rectify the behavior of illegally adding other fees to electricity bills,对符合条件的终端用户尽快实现直供到户和“一户一表”督促商务楼宇管理人等及时公示宽带接入市场领域收费项目严肃查处限制进场未经公示收费等违法违规行为。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、住房城乡建设部、State Administration for Market Regulation、国家能源局国家电网有限公司等相关部门和单位及各地区按职责分工负责)

(八)着力规范金融服务收费加快健全银行收费监管长效机制规范银行服务市场调节价管理加强服务外包与服务合作管理设定服务价格行为监管红线加快修订《商业银行服务价格管理办法》鼓励银行等金融机构对小微企业等予以合理优惠适当减免账户管理服务等收费坚决查处银行未按照规定进行服务价格信息披露以及在融资服务中不落实小微企业收费优惠政策转嫁成本强制捆绑搭售保险或理财产品等行为鼓励证券基金担保等机构进一步降低服务收费推动金融基础设施合理降低交易托管、check in、清算等费用。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、人民银行、State Administration for Market Regulation、China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission、证监会等国务院相关部门及各地区按职责分工负责)

(九)清理规范行业协会商会收费加大对行业协会商会收费行为的监督检查力度进一步推动各级各类行业协会商会公示收费信息严禁行业协会商会强制企业到特定机构检测、authentication、培训等并获取利益分成或以评比表彰等名义违规向企业收费研究制定关于促进行业协会商会健康规范发展的政策措施加强行业协会商会收费等规范管理发挥好行业协会商会在政策制定行业自治企业权益维护中的积极作用。2022Before the end of October,完成对行业协会商会违规收费清理整治情况“回头看”。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、民政部、The State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十)推动降低物流服务收费强化口岸货场专用线等货运领域收费监管依法规范船公司船代公司货代公司等收费行为明确铁路公路水路航空等运输环节的口岸物流作业时限及流程加快推动大宗货物和集装箱中长距离运输“公转铁”“公转水”等多式联运改革推进运输运载工具和相关单证标准化在确保安全规范的前提下推动建立集装箱托盘等标准化装载器具循环共用体系。2022年11月底前开展不少于100个多式联运示范工程建设减少企业重复投入持续降低综合运价水平。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、Ministry of Transport、Commerce、State Administration for Market Regulation、国家铁路局中国民航局中国国家铁路集团有限公司等相关部门和单位及各地区按职责分工负责)


(十一)全面提升线上线下服务能力加快建立高效便捷优质普惠的市场主体全生命周期服务体系全面提高线下“一窗综办”和线上“一网通办”水平聚焦企业和群众“办好一件事”积极推行企业开办注销不动产登记招工用工等高频事项集成化办理进一步减少办事环节依托全国一体化政务服务平台加快构建统一的电子证照库明确各类电子证照信息标准推广和扩大电子营业执照电子合同电子签章等应用推动实现更多高频事项异地办理“跨省通办”。(Led by the General Office of the State Council.),The relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十二)持续优化投资和建设项目审批服务优化压覆矿产气候可行性水资源论证防洪考古等评估流程支持有条件的地方开展区域综合评估探索利用市场机制推动城镇低效用地再开发更好盘活存量土地资源分阶段整合各类测量测绘事项推动统一测绘标准和成果形式实现同一阶段“一次委托成果共享”探索建立部门集中联合办公手续并联办理机制依法优化重大投资项目审批流程对用地环评等投资审批有关事项推动地方政府根据职责权限试行承诺制提高审批效能。2022Before the end of October,建立投资主管部门与金融机构投融资信息对接机制为重点项目快速落地投产提供综合金融服务。2022年11月底前制定工程建设项目审批标准化规范化管理措施。2022before the end of the year,实现各地区工程建设项目审批管理系统与市政公用服务企业系统互联信息共享提升水、gas、热接入服务质量。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、自然资源部生态环境部住房城乡建设部水利部人民银行、China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission、国家能源局国家文物局国家电网有限公司等相关部门和单位及各地区按职责分工负责)

(十三)着力优化跨境贸易服务进一步完善自贸协定综合服务平台功能助力企业用好区域全面经济伙伴关系协定等规则拓展“单一窗口”的“通关+物流”“外贸+金融”功能为企业提供通关物流信息查询出口信用保险办理跨境结算融资等服务支持有关地区搭建跨境电商一站式服务平台为企业提供优惠政策申报物流信息跟踪争端解决等服务探索解决跨境电商退换货难问题优化跨境电商零售进口工作流程推动便捷快速通关。2022before the end of the year,在国内主要口岸实现进出口通关业务网上办理(交通运输部、Commerce、人民银行、Customs、国家外汇局等国务院相关部门及各地区按职责分工负责)

(十四)切实提升办税缴费服务水平全面推行电子非税收入一般缴款书推动非税收入全领域电子收缴“跨省通缴”便利市场主体缴费办事实行汇算清缴结算多缴退税和已发现的误收多缴退税业务自动推送提醒在线办理推动出口退税全流程无纸化进一步优化留抵退税办理流程简化退税审核程序强化退税风险防控确保留抵退税安全快捷直达纳税人拓展“非接触式”办税缴费范围推行跨省异地电子缴税行邮税电子缴库服务,2022年11月底前实现95%税费服务事项“网上办”。2022before the end of the year,实现电子发票无纸化报销入账归档存储等(财政部人民银行、General Administration of Taxation、The State Archives Administration and other relevant departments of the State Council and all regions are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十五)持续规范中介服务清理规范没有法律、statute、国务院决定依据的行政许可中介服务事项建立中央和省级行政许可中介服务事项清单鼓励各地区依托现有政务服务系统提供由省级统筹的网上中介超市服务吸引更多中介机构入驻坚决整治行政机关指定中介机构垄断服务干预市场主体选取中介机构等行为依法查处中介机构强制服务收费等行为全面实施行政许可中介服务收费项目清单管理清理规范环境检测招标代理政府采购代理产权交易融资担保评估等涉及的中介服务违规收费和不合理收费(国务院办公厅国家发展改革委、The State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十六)健全惠企政策精准直达机制2022before the end of the year,县级以上政府及其有关部门要在门户网站政务服务平台等醒目位置设置惠企政策专区汇集本地区本领域市场主体适用的惠企政策加强涉企信息归集共享对企业进行分类“画像”推动惠企政策智能匹配快速兑现鼓励各级政务服务大厅设立惠企政策集中办理窗口积极推动地方和部门构建惠企政策移动端服务体系提供在线申请在线反馈应享未享提醒等服务确保财政补贴税费减免稳岗扩岗等惠企政策落实到位(各地区各部门负责)


(十七)创新实施精准有效监管进一步完善监管方式全面实施跨部门联合“双随机、1. Public" supervision,推动监管信息共享互认避免多头执法重复检查加快在市场监管税收管理进出口等领域建立健全信用分级分类监管制度依据风险高低实施差异化监管积极探索在安全生产、Food safety、交通运输生态环境等领域运用现代信息技术实施非现场监管避免对市场主体正常生产经营活动的不必要干扰。(Led by the General Office of the State Council.),The relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十八)严格规范监管执法行为全面提升监管透明度,2022before the end of the year,编制省市两级监管事项目录清单严格落实行政执法三项制度建立违反公平执法行为典型案例通报机制建立健全行政裁量权基准制度防止任性执法类案不同罚过度处罚等问题坚决杜绝“一刀切”“运动式”执法严禁未经法定程序要求市场主体普遍停产停业在市场监管城市管理应急管理消防安全交通运输生态环境等领域制定完善执法工作指引和标准化检查表单规范日常监管行为。(Led by the General Office of the State Council.),The relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(十九)切实保障市场主体公平竞争全面落实公平竞争审查制度,2022Before the end of October,组织开展制止滥用行政权力排除限制竞争执法专项行动细化垄断行为和不正当竞争行为认定标准加强和改进反垄断与反不正当竞争执法依法查处恶意补贴低价倾销设置不合理交易条件等行为严厉打击“搭便车”“蹭流量”等仿冒混淆行为严格规范滞压占用经营者保证金交易款等行为。(National Development and Reform Commission.)、司法部人民银行国务院国资委、The State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and each region are responsible in accordance with their duties and division of labor)

(二十)持续加强知识产权保护严格知识产权管理依法规范非正常专利申请行为及时查处违法使用商标和恶意注册申请商标等行为完善集体商标证明商标管理制度规范地理标志集体商标注册及使用坚决遏制恶意诉讼或变相收取“会员费”“加盟费”等行为切实保护小微商户合法权益健全大数据人工智能基因技术等新领域新业态知识产权保护制度加强对企业海外知识产权纠纷应对的指导,2022before the end of the year,发布海外重点国家商标维权指南(最高人民法院民政部、State Administration for Market Regulation、国家知识产权局等相关部门和单位及各地区按职责分工负责)


(二十一)不断完善政策制定实施机制建立政府部门与市场主体行业协会商会常态化沟通平台及时了解回应企业诉求制定涉企政策要严格落实评估论证公开征求意见合法性审核等要求重大涉企政策出台前要充分听取相关企业意见。2022年11月底前开展行政规范性文件合法性审核机制落实情况专项监督工作切实发挥中国政府网网上调研平台及各级政府门户网站意见征集平台作用把握好政策出台和调整的时度效科学设置过渡期等缓冲措施避免“急转弯”和政策“打架”各地区在制定和执行城市管理、environmental protection、Energy saving and emission reduction、安全生产等方面政策时不得层层加码加重市场主体负担建立健全重大政策评估评价制度政策出台前科学研判预期效果出台后密切监测实施情况,2022before the end of the year,在重大项目投资科技生态环境等领域开展评估试点(各地区各部门负责)

(二十二)着力加强政务诚信建设健全政务守信践诺机制各级行政机关要抓紧对依法依规作出但未履行到位的承诺列明清单明确整改措施和完成期限坚决纠正“新官不理旧账”“击鼓传花”等政务失信行为。2022before the end of the year,落实逾期未支付中小企业账款强制披露制度将拖欠信息列入政府信息主动公开范围开展拖欠中小企业账款行为集中治理严肃问责虚报还款金额或将无分歧欠款做成有争议欠款的行为清理整治通过要求中小企业接受指定机构债务凭证或到指定机构贴现进行不当牟利的行为严厉打击虚假还款或以不签合同不开发票不验收等方式变相拖欠的行为鼓励各地区探索建立政务诚信诉讼执行协调机制推动政务诚信履约(最高人民法院国务院办公厅国家发展改革委、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、司法部市场监管总局等相关部门和单位及各地区按职责分工负责)


各地区各部门要认真贯彻落实党中央、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,加强组织实施强化协同配合结合工作实际加快制定具体配套措施确保各项举措落地见效为各类市场主体健康发展营造良好环境国务院办公厅要加大协调督促力度及时总结推广各地区各部门经验做法不断扩大改革成效



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