(二)将第七条、Article 9、Article 10、Article 11、Article 12、Article 15、Article 23、Article 24、Article 25、Article 26、Article 27、Article 28、Article 29、Article 30、Article 31、Article 32、Article 33、Article 34、Article 35、Article 36、Article 37、Article 42、第四十三条中的“国家认监委”修改为“国务院认证认可监督管理部门”



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CCATS Technical Services (Suzhou) Co., LtdIt is a third-party certification body approved by CNCA,Approval No. CNCA-R-2018-424,Mainly carry out ISO9001 certification、ISO14001 certification、ISO45001 Certification: IECQ-HSPM QC080000 Certification、After-sales service certification of goods、Logistics service certification、Property Services Certification